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Our rules are there to ensure everyone has a great fishing experience at Bonehill Mill Fishery. We also want to make sure we protect our fish stocks and the safety of the anglers.
Please read these rules carefully, failure to comply with them or acting in anyway that interfers with others enjoyment or use of the lakes will result in the offender being removed from the premises and banned from the fishery.
Cars are parked at the owners risk. Bonehill Mill Fishery will not accept any responsibility for any injury or loss that is incurred whilst the bearer is on the fishery.
Day ticket payments will be collected from your peg or pay online via our webiste.
60lb weight limit per net - Separate carp & silvers.
Barbless hooks only. Max size 8.
No fish to be taken or moved between lakes.
Keep nets only to be used in matches.
Max 2 rods per angler.
All anglers must have a EA rod license.
All nets must be dipped on arrival.
Fishing is from designated pegs only.
All litter must be taken with you or placed in bins provided.
No braid mainline
No fires, BBQ's or loud music
No walking around during matches
No bait boats
Meat of any kind
Artificial baits
Surface baits
Blood worm & joker
Tiger nuts
Trout pellets or high oil pellets of any kind
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